Lignin, a constituent of woody biomass, has a structure similar to that of BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene) which are industrially important chemicals used in resins and other materials. Therefore, there is an expectation to produce benzenes from naturally derived lignin, replacing conventional petroleum-based feedstocks. In our research group, we are currently studying environmentally friendly chemical conversion methods that enable lignin transformation.

Sustainable supply of biomass-based BTX
The cleavage of ether (C-O) bonds present in lignin is crucial for its conversion. The reaction of adding hydrogen to ether bonds, hydrogenolysis, is known to be effective for lignin decomposition. Investigation on the decomposition behavior using model compounds (diphenylether) and analyze reaction kinetics are ongoing.

Transfer hydrogenolysis of DPE

Behavior of DPE conversion to benzene, phenol and derivatives
関連する研究論文 Related research papers(s):
Dowaki et al., IECR, (2024).